peace, love, understanding, world domination, yadda, yadda, yadda...
Who Are We?

Who are the Dashboard Hula Girls? We are more of a secretive collective than a band, not unlike the Freemasons. We thought membership would include something like a free Fez but that hasn't happened yet.

On these recordings and the upcoming tracks  the following  AMAZING people contributed:

-Engineering, very sweet guitar work (and hot damn we love his mandolin playing too) by Bob Harris.

-Lovely vocals by Jackie Rudy, thank you so much. Emmy Lou should be looking over her shoulder!

-The amazing cello of  Michael G Ronstadt, the cello's name is Bertha by the way.

-Wonderful photography by our dear friend Thomas Moore of Beacon, NY

- All of these great chaps and ladies were instrumental in the creation of the
Mr Bluebird video; 

Thomas Moore, Marc Schreibman, Michael Arginsky, Alison Wilkes, Tim German and LSG Lynne Willis.

Dashboard Hula Girls is a registered Trademark